Like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God made a covenant with them, and as a result, they became His covenant people. How are covenants a connection to Christ?
In this episode of Gospel First, join Joe Cirillo as we explore the key requirements for attaining salvation in the Celestial Kingdom, the highest realm in Heavenly Father’s plan. We will examine the importance of making and honoring covenants, and how these sacred agreements—from baptism to temple ordinances—play a crucial role in our eternal progression. Discover how these covenants, as reflected in scriptures and teachings, unite us with the Savior and guide us on the path to celestial glory and eternal life. Join us as we unravel the divine path of faithful covenant-keeping and discipleship.
If we were to compile a list of what Jesus considers necessary for us to attain salvation in His highest kingdom which is the Celestial Kingdom, what would that list include?
While some might argue that belief and baptism are key requirements for salvation, there are numerous actions and obligations that we must fulfill to achieve salvation in the celestial kingdom. However, one fundamental aspect that stands out as crucial in fulfilling the plan of salvation on this earth is making and honoring covenants with Jesus Christ. In fact, the entirety of the plan of salvation can be summarized this way: "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel."
Covenants are sacred agreements between God and us, where we promise to follow God's conditions, and in return, He promises us something. This concept of covenants can be found throughout the scriptures, and it's reflected in the names of the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament is referred to as the Old Covenant, and the New Testament as the New Covenant.
Also, The Book of Mormon serves the purpose of not only testifying of Jesus Christ but also teaching us about the Lord's covenants. So what does this covenant entail? Our part is that we are willing to:
Take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ.
Always remember Him, and
Keep His commandments.
In return, God promises that we will have His Spirit to be with us so that we can be made holy, clean, and perfect through Jesus Christ. This process allows us to inherit the celestial kingdom of heaven and become like Him.
The covenant we establish with God is not a casual agreement but a sacred commitment that is solidified through specific ceremonies or ordinances. These ordinances include baptism, receiving the priesthood, or participating in temple rites such as receiving our endowment and being sealed to our spouse.
Through these ordinances, we make vital covenants that are crucial for our salvation and ultimate exaltation in the celestial kingdom. These covenants are often referred to as "saving" covenants because they are indispensable for our eternal well-being and continued growth. They hold immense significance in our journey towards salvation and progression.
How do covenants work in conjunction with Jesus’ Atonement to save us? Jesus' Atonement is infinite, meaning that there are no limitations to His ability to save. When we combine His infinite Atonement with our covenants and works, it leads to our salvation. The covenant serves as the bridge that connects us to Jesus Christ, granting us access to His flawless saving power and divine attributes. This connection can be likened to a marriage, symbolizing the union of our lives with Christ and our oneness with Him.
Through the covenant, we take upon ourselves His name and dedicate our lives to Him. In return, Jesus offers Himself to us, and His virtues become our own, His goodness becomes our goodness, and His perfection becomes our perfection. By merging our covenant with Jesus and His Atonement, we can grow to become like Him and attain eternal life in the celestial kingdom.
Salvation requires the convergence of three vital elements: Jesus' infinite Atonement, plus our covenants, plus our works. Among these elements, the covenant holds the utmost significance, symbolized by the plus symbol. It serves as the binding force that unites us with Jesus Christ, granting us access to His perfect saving power and divine attributes.
Our covenant with Christ can be compared to a marriage, where two people join their lives, share the same last name, and have access to each other's abilities and talents. Through this union, they become "one flesh" and one name. Similarly, when we make a covenant with Christ, we take on His name, give our lives to Him, and receive all of His virtues, goodness, and perfection in return.
It is as simple as that: Take the name of Jesus Christ upon us through the ordinance of baptism, enter into a covenant with Christ, and join our life with His. If we do that and remain faithful to our covenant, we will be saved by virtue of that covenant with Christ at the last day.
As taught by King Benjamin in Mosiah 5:8-9 in the Book of Mormon, those who have made a covenant with God to be obedient until the end of their lives should take upon themselves the name of Christ. By doing so, they will be found at the right hand of God and be called by the name of Christ.
To live eternally in the celestial kingdom in the presence of God, we must be saved, which is made possible through the covenant and ordinance of baptism. However, to become like God and be exalted, we need to make additional covenants beyond baptism, specifically through the covenants and ordinances of the temple. The temple provides essential ordinances for our exaltation in the celestial kingdom, and we participate in many covenants and ordinances in the temple to fulfill this requirement.
President Boyd K Packer taught that in the temple we are “washed and anointed and instructed and endowed and sealed.”
Many of the covenants and ordinances in temples are related to families. The temple provides opportunities to make additional covenants beyond baptism, including sealing a man and woman for time and all eternity to form an eternal family. These ordinances can also be performed on behalf of deceased individuals who did not receive them during their lifetime.
Through these temple covenants, we commit to living virtuous and selfless lives, giving our time, money, and talents to the work of the kingdom of God. These ordinances and covenants are essential for our admission into God's presence, and worthily receiving and keeping them is the ultimate goal and challenge of our mortal lives.
Making additional covenants in the temple allows us to strengthen our connection with the Savior. Elder David A. Bednar explained that in the temple ordinances, we fully take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ. Through these covenants and ordinances, we are purified, receive divine power and blessings, and are sealed to our families for eternity, enabling us to achieve our full potential and become like our Heavenly Father.
In essence, the most significant challenge we face in life is to make and keep our covenants with Christ.
According to President Boyd K Packer, the ordinances and covenants that we make with God are what give us the right to enter into His presence. It is a lifelong pursuit to receive these covenants worthily, and then to keep them throughout mortality. The most significant test in life is not to avoid making mistakes, but rather to keep our covenants with Christ. We do not have to be perfect to go to heaven or become like God, but we do need to be united with Jesus, who will make us perfect.
According to Elder D. Todd Christofferson, we can access God's power by making covenants with Him. In these sacred agreements, God binds himself to sustain, sanctify, and exalt us in return for our commitment to serve Him. By uniting with Jesus through covenants and accepting His name, we can be confident that He will seal us as His own, that we may be brought to heaven and have everlasting salvation and eternal life.
Throughout history, God has established covenants with various individuals, including Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, and Noah, as recorded in the scriptures. However, it's important to recognize that God's desire to make covenants extends to us in the present day as well because he wants us back to live with Him forever.
This concludes our lesson in this section of ACT 2. The next lesson, which is in ACT 2, will focus on "Being Born Again."
If you have any questions about the gospel, please feel free to leave a message in the comments section below, and don't forget to subscribe and share so that we can spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ together.
Joshua 18:7
Hebrews 7:11, 12, 14, 24
1 Peter 2:9
Doctrine and Covenants 2:1
Doctrine and Covenants 27:8
Doctrine and Covenants 84:17-19, 25, 33, 40
Doctrine and Covenants 107:1, 3, 65, 79
Doctrine and Covenants 121:36, 41
Doctrine and Covenants 131:2
Moses 6:7
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