God’s Plan Of Happiness Is Like A Play
Your divine destiny awaits you, crafted by Heavenly Father himself. Unveil the keys to unlocking unparalleled joy and fulfillment in your life. It's an exciting journey which is uncomplicated and easy to understand. Take a journey of faith by clicking on the video and witness how your life unfolds like a captivating play, scripted exclusively for you.
Act 1: The Storyline
Does The Bible Teach That We Lived Before This Life?
Did our journey truly commence at birth? For some, grappling with the notion of a pre-earth existence, where memories may be veiled, can be a perplexing concept.
How Did God Create The World and For What Purpose?
For as long as humanity has inhabited this planet, the question of the world's creator and its ultimate purpose has remained an enduring mystery.
Was There Really A War In Heaven?
In the annals of history, a monumental celestial conflict unfolded, with forces engaged in a cosmic battle. Who, in your opinion, were the contenders in this celestial war?
What Happened To Adam and Eve?
Do Adam and Eve truly stand as the initial ancestors of the human race? Let's explore what the Bible reveals about their experiences in the Garden of Eden and the profound implications it holds for all of humanity.
End of Act 1
Conclusion to Act 1 in God’s Plan of Happiness.
Act 2: The Plot
What Is The Purpose of Life?
At some juncture in life, have you ever pondered your purpose and questioned your existence, wondering why you are here?
The Gift Of Agency
Frequently, the concept of Agency is misconstrued, along with the purpose behind its bestowal upon us. It's crucial to understand that true agency does not grant unfettered freedom to do as one pleases.
What Does The Atonement of Jesus Christ Do For Us?
What do the scriptures teach about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and do we have to be perfect to go to heaven?
What Is A Covenant?
Like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God made a covenant with them, and as a result, they became His covenant people. How are covenants a connection to Christ?
Is Being Born Again Necessary For Salvation?
Does the notion of being 'born again' imply a return to our mother's womb? And, furthermore, is this rebirth a requisite for our salvation?
Can Families Be Together Forever?
Families stand as a divine institution in God's grand design, holding a pivotal role in the eternal fate of His beloved children. The prospect of families enduring eternally is a cherished promise.
The Second Coming Of Christ
Across the annals of history, devoted followers of Jesus Christ have eagerly awaited His Second Coming, envisioning it as a season of unparalleled peace and boundless joy. What steps can we take to prepare for this momentous event, and what are the telltale signs of His impending return?
What Is The Millenium? 1000 Years of Peace
During the Millennium, Christ will personally reign as the rightful King over the earth. What will we be doing during that time?
End of Act 2
The conclusion of Act 2 of God’s Plan of Happiness.
Act 3: The Ending
Is There Life After Death?
Death is an unavoidable part of life. What happens after we die? Where do we go or are we gone forever?
What Is Our Eternal Reward?
In God’s house, there are many mansions. Which everlasting realm or mansion do you believe you would enter?
The Resurrection - A Gift To All
What is the resurrection, what will we be like when we're resurrected, and how will it affect us individually?
The Final Judgement
The day will come when we will stand before God and be judged. Do you know how to prepare for this important event?
End of Act 3
The conclusion to Act 3 of God’s Plan of Happiness.