Finding The True Church
Embark on a transformative journey to find the Church that Jesus organized when He was on the earth. The clues are in the scriptures.
Which is the True Church of Jesus Christ?
Embark on a transformative journey to find the Church that Jesus organized when He was on the earth. The clues are in the scriptures.
Are There Contradictions In The Bible?
Joe poses a critical question about the infallibility of the Bible in light of perceived contradictions, citing specific scripture references for deeper reflection.
Does The Bible Say There Will Be No More Prophets Or Scriptures?
Now, for Today’s Question: Does the Bible say anywhere that there will not be any more prophets or additional scriptures?
Who Decides What Books Make It Into The Bible, And Which Ones Are Left Out?
Now, for Today’s Question: Which delves into something equally important and intriguing: Who decides what books make it into the Bible, and which ones are left out?
Did We Live As Premortal Spirits Before We Came to Earth?
Now, on to Day 5: Did we live as premortal spirits before we came to earth? This is one that has fascinated believers for generations. Many people wonder if we existed as spirits before being born on earth. Interestingly, the Bible gives us some hints.
Who Was God Talking To When He Said, “Let Us Make Man in Our Image”?
Today’s question takes us all the way back to the beginning, to the creation of mankind. In Genesis 1:26-27, God says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” But who was He speaking to? Who was the "us" in this statement?
Are God The Father And Jesus Christ Really One Being?
As we move into Day 7, let’s tackle today’s question: Why do people believe that God the Father and Jesus Christ are one being when Christ refers to Himself and His Father as two distinct individuals?
Who Are The Elohim?
In the original Hebrew, the word Elohim is a plural term for God. What could this imply? Is there more than one God, or does this plural form hint at something else entirely?
Why Did Early Christian Leaders Speak Of There Being Multiple Gods?
hy do so many early Christian fathers, those closest to the New Testament church, and respected Christian scholars like C.S. Lewis, speak of the existence of multiple gods?
Is ‘God’ a Title We Could Earn?
The word “God” is a title. It’s not the actual name of Christ or our Heavenly Father. Could others, like you and I, one day be called by that title if we are faithful children of a being with the title of God?
Can We Really Become Like God?
This question takes us deeper into our spiritual purpose and growth. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus’ call to “be perfect” is both a challenge and a promise of who we can become through God’s grace. This is about transformation, and it encourages us to ask, “What steps can we take daily to grow closer to this divine potential?”
Why Did Christ Resurrect with His Own Body?
Why would Christ be resurrected with His actual body if He were only a manifestation of the Father?
What Happens to Those Who’ve Never Heard of Christ?
You must accept Christ to be saved. But what if you’ve never even heard His name during your lifetime? Would a just God condemn someone simply because of when and where they lived?
What happens if you never get baptized?
If baptism is required for salvation, as Jesus taught, what happens to those who never had the chance to be baptized, like infants who pass away?
That’s question 14, and it’s a doozy. If you’re as curious about this as I am, check out 1 Peter 3:18-20, John 3:8, and 1 Corinthians 15:29 for some answers.
What Does Paul Mean by 'Baptism for the Dead'?
Why would Paul speak to the Corinthians about baptism for the dead, and why is this concept overlooked in mainstream Christianity?
Should Pastors Get Paid?What the Bible Says About Paid or Unpaid Ministry
If you’ve ever read 1 Corinthians 15:29, you might have wondered why Paul mentions this practice and what it means. Even more intriguing is why mainstream Christianity has largely overlooked or dismissed this teaching, despite its scriptural roots.
What Exactly Does It Mean to Be an Heir of the Promise?
What does Paul mean when he says we can become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ?
Do Works Matter for Salvation?
Why do many Christians say that our works don’t matter, while Jesus says we must repent and keep the commandments?
Are There Different Levels of Heaven and Hell?
Why do people believe in one heaven and one hell, when the Bible teaches that there are various degrees of glory after the resurrection?
What Is the Restoration of All Things?
What does the scripture mean when Peter talks about the need for a future restoration?
What Did Christ Teach During His 40-Day Ministry After the Resurrection?
What was Christ teaching His apostles during the 40-day ministry after His resurrection? Why did He spend so much time with them when they’d already been with Him for three years?